Child advocacy services, Crisis intervention services, Community closet, Youth services, Mental Health Services, Healthcare Services, Food, Tutoring services

Joined Community Fuse May 26th, 2023

Click here to find out why we are the most successful drop-out prevention organization in America Click here to read a quick CIS success story!

Communities in Schools East Texas is a 501c3 non-profit organization. For nearly 40 years, Communities In Schools has been helping students flourish and go on to bright futures. Local CIS affiliates bring our unique model to schools in their community by positioning site coordinators inside schools and partnering with local businesses, social service agencies, health care providers, and volunteers to provide students with exactly what they need. Whether it’s food, school supplies, health care, counseling, academic assistance or simply a positive role model, CIS is there to help. Our model is successful because of one simple tenet: Communities In Schools works with local communities to support local kids with local solutions.

Address: P.O. Box 1233, Marshall, Tx 75671

Phone number: (903)927-1128

Services/Resources offered at Communities in Schools East Texas

  • Child advocacy services
  • Crisis intervention services
  • Community closet
  • Youth services
  • Mental Health Services
  • Healthcare Services (Medical/Dental/Vision)
  • Food pantry/bank or Meals
  • Tutoring services

Our services are provided at no cost.

Eligibility Requirements: Student must attend a campus that has a Communities In Schools program on it.

Areas and Schools we serve

Services offered in: English & Spanish

Contact: – Patricia Harbin, Development and Marketing Coordinator / email:

Check out our leadership team here.

We currently need:

  • Donation of School supplies

There are many ways how you can get involved with CIS. Becoming a volunteer, employee, partner, or bringing CIS to your school can change the lives of children and help prevent the increase of school drop-out. Click here to get involved today!

Your donation makes a huge difference in the lives of students. Click here to learn more on how you can impact a student with your donation.

Job opportunities For career opportunities, click here.

Mission: To surround students with a community of support empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Website: For more detailed information about our services and programs please visit us at

Follow us on Social Media:

Facebook -

Twitter - @cisetx

Instagram - @cisetx


Contact Information:

Phone: (903)927-1128

Service Areas:

Panola County, TX / Gregg County, TX / Harrison County, TX / Angelina County, TX / Upshur County, TX / Montgomery County, TX


Communities in Schools East Texas logo
Longview, Texas

Communities in Schools East Texas

HISTORY Communities in Schools national was established in 1977 (then called Cities in Schools). Today Communities in Schools is the nation’s leading community-based organization in dropout prevention. There are currently 25 states with Communities in Schools Programs. Texas is the largest program in the national Communities in Schools network.

The first Texas Communities in Schools program was established in 1979 in Houston.

Communities in Schools of East Texas, Inc.(a non-profit 501© 3) was founded in 1995 with the Deep East Texas program added in 1999.


National Level: Communities In Schools, Inc., (National Office) requires each state to follow an organizational structure that has proven to ensure successful state and local programs. The National Communities In Schools office has a board of directors. The National Office enters into written agreements with each state.

State Level- Legislative: Communities In Schools of Texas State Advisory Committee (CISSAC) was established by the legislature with nine members appointed by the Governor, Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House. The committee advises and provides guidance to the CIS State Office.

State Level- State Office: Communities In Schools of Texas, State Office is administered by the Texas Education Agency. The role of the State Office is to administer the Communities in Schools programs statewide according to legislation, program model, and National Communities in Schools Office requirements.

Local Level: 501c(3) Board of Directors: Each local Communities in Schools program must have a local Board of Directors. This board administers the Communities In Schools program at local levels through contracts with the state.

School District and Campus Level: Local Communities In Schools programs partner with school districts through written agreements to provide services to selected schools.